Heather R Younger | Build A Culture Where Your Employees Feel Seen, Heard and Valued - Best-Selling Author of “The Art of Caring Leadership”

Heather R Younger

Build A Culture Where Your Employees Feel Seen, Heard and Valued - Best-Selling Author of “The Art of Caring Leadership”

Heather R Younger
Featured Books

The Art of Active Listeningby Heather R Younger

The Art of Active Listening

by Heather R Younger

Improve communication, engagement, and culture with active listening.

When employees, colleagues, and customers are not being heard, organizational culture, employee happiness, and overall organizational success will suffer. How well do you listen?

Active listening is the doorway to increased belonging, loyalty, profitability, innovation, and so much more. It is the difference between thinking we understand what people want and knowing what they want. Want to build stronger relationships, avoid misunderstandings, and anticipate problems before they surface at work?

All you have to do is listen.

The Art of Active Listening introduces a five-step framework that shows you how to listen successfully and act upon what you are hearing. Listeners will discover how to:

  1. Recognize the unsaid.
  2. Seek to understand.
  3. Decode.
  4. Act.
  5. Close the loop.

Backed by her personal review of more than 30,000 employee and customer surveys and facilitation of hundreds of focus groups, Younger discovered one universal truth: We all want to be heard. We want our voices to matter. We want the work we do to matter.

When we get this right—when we listen to our employees and customers and care about them not just for what they can do but for who they are—they can and will move mountains.

Using the tools provided in this book, you can implement active listening, regardless of whether you're in-person or virtual, that benefits all team members and customers, strengthens overall engagement, improves organizational culture and creates a space for everyone to have a voice.

When those at work feel heard, they will do whatever it takes to achieve outcomes that serve your relationship and your organization.


The Art of Caring Leadershipby Heather R Younger

The Art of Caring Leadership

by Heather R Younger

Employee engagement and loyalty expert Heather Younger teaches us the radical power of caring support in leadership and in the workplace.

Here's the thing: most leaders think of themselves as caring leaders, but not all of them act in alignment with what that means for employees. Leaders may not be able to identify the level of care they are extending to their employees, but all employees intuitively know whether their bosses or managers are caring for them. Heather Younger argues that if you are looking for increased productivity, customer satisfaction, or employee engagement, you need to care for your employees first.

Genuinely caring for people means that you want to see them succeed for themselves, not just for what they can do for you, your team, or your organization. This book incorporates ten sections with breakout stories and interviews that outline the necessary steps to make all employees feel included and cared for, as well as a call to action for all leaders. Younger states that leaders who have the positive power to change the lives of those they lead shouldn't just want to care for them; they should see it as imperative for the success of their employees and their organization.

Heather R Younger
Featured Keynote Programs

The Art of Caring Leadership®
The Key to Unleashing The Full Potential in Your People

The four Caring Leadership principles delivered in this interactive experience serve as a powerful reminder of every leader’s responsibility to uplift their team and organization and drive real business results. Built around the framework of Lead Yourself, Lead Your Team, Lead Your Industry, this keynote will develop leaders who inspire loyalty and retention.

The audience will leave with:
* Strategies to inspire loyalty by becoming more present, caring, and compassionate
* A practical understanding of the concrete actions they can take to uplift and engage those they lead 
* Deep insights into the positive power they possess to create a culture of caring at work

The Art of Active Listening
The Key to Making Anyone Feel Valued and Engaged

Active listening is the doorway to increased belonging, loyalty, profitability and innovation. It is the difference between thinking we understand what people want and knowing what they want. 

For the last 12 years, Heather has reviewed over 25,000 employee engagement surveys as well as facilitated numerous listening sessions. She has distilled that knowledge into actionable insights that equip your people with the interpersonal skills they need to make others feel seen, heard, and valued in every interaction.

In this keynote, Heather introduces a new change model for organizational listening which she illustrates in five steps through an interactive experience. The audience will leave with:
* The understanding of how to practice active listening with those who look to them for guidance
* A listening process that will unlock valuable insights and deliver desired outcomes
* The one success characteristic they need to reach their goals and create win-win scenarios at work

The Art of Belonging at Work
How to Create Magnetic Cultures Where People Feel Included

This keynote draws from Heather’s personal experiences as the only child of an interfaith and interracial marriage to inspire leaders to flex their empathy muscles. Through this interactive experience, attendees master the art of active listening to ensure every employee feels valued, respected and like they belong.

The audience will leave with:
* A practical method to elicit feedback and unlock change and growth
* A greater understanding of the role they have to play in creating cultures of belonging at work
* The inspiration to show up each workday as their most authentic selves

Heather R Younger
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